Sunday, January 11, 2009

2008 Brewing Year In Review

I thought that a quick post of random stats and facts about my brewing year in 2008 might be fun. So, here you go:

- Number of Batches Made - 23
- Number of Gallons Made - 115
- First Brew Day - 1/19/2008
- Last Brew Day - 12/28/2008
- Number of Beer Batches - 19
- Number of Wine Batches - 1
- Number of Cider Batches - 1
- Number of Mead Batches - 2
- Batch with Highest Alcohol - 12% - Black and Blue Mead
- Batch with Lowest Alcohol - 2.6% - Baby Bock (made from already used grains in weizenbock)
- Average Alcohol Across Batches - 5.6%
- Favorite Brew - Double Down Scottish 80/~ (so very drinkable)
- Worst Brew - Steamy Summer California Common (fermented 10 degrees to warm and had the aroma and flavor of a freshly opened band aid)
- Favorite Name - Murphy's Law Irish Stout
- Approximate Amount of Grain used in 2008 - 225 pounds (average of 11.8 lbs/brew)
- Biggest Equipment Upgrade - Switch to kegging beer with my kegerator
- Number of Batches Brewed for Baker's Party - 7
- Biggest Supporter of My Brewing - My wife, who loves me enough to drink my beer and encourage me to keep brewing. Thanks, honey!